Tracking shots
This week we turned to learn tracking shots with Dom. The main target of this class is to track a scene and then rebuild the original camera with moving data on it, which can help people adding other 3D models to do VFX in the future.
We used another software to finish this challenge, which is 3D-Equalizer, a professional industry leading tracking solution.

I firstly loaded the sequence that we need into this software. Then I start to track the scene by adding tracking points. Tracking points can automatically calculate the scene and then build a camera in 3D space, which almost matches the same camera that we used in real life.
To track the scene more accurately, I adjusted the color of the scene to make sure there is more contrast. We only track the part of scene which has great contrast.

After we tracked the whole scene, we got a lot of points in the scene, then we moved to calculate and rebuild the camera.

After I entered the data of lens, I started to calculate the distortion of lens. The software will automatically calculate the data of distortion and add it on the camera. After all of the calculations we can get an accurate camera. We can even add some box to the scene, which will stay still in the scene without shaking or shifting.

After we built the camera, we can export a Mel file to Maya, which will help us build the tracked camera in a scene and load these points as locators. Therefore, we can use these locators as reference to rebuild the whole scene by modeling.
Here is final result: