Holiday_Week_01: Story & Storyboard


This week I started to prepare for my FMP. What I would like to do in my FMP is a short horror animation which is based on some urban legend artworks such as SCP, Backrooms, Mandela Catalogue, Game Control , etc.

I firstly did some research on urban legend stories and artworks, trying to find out which kind of style I want. Urban legends usually base on some background like night city, village, secret laboratories and folk stories. I finally decided to build up a story based on abnormal space and abnormal products.

After that I came with several ideas like secret investigations, laboratory accidents and other things. I finally choose to write a weird experience of a normal person working at midnight. I want the protagonist to get into a space that looks normal at first, but as the story goes the space will become weird and become aggressive.

Here is the breif of this story:

CHANNEL-7: the protagonist who works overtime until midnight experiences hallucinations after watching a non-existent Channel-7 program on TV, which triggers his abnormal behavior and leads to tragedy.

I decided to split this story into three parts:

  • Part 1, the protagonist is working normally and accidentally get into the strange space (in his mind).
  • Part 2, the protagonist exploring in this space and then find out weird things in this space. Finally the protagonist was trapped in this space and lost.
  • Part 3, back to the reality, the protagonist has been found dead and committed susuicide.


Based on the story, I started to draw the storyboard, which is about 40-50 shots. I added more shots during the production, and finally the storyboard covers about 50-60 shots.

Below is the final storyboard :


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