Last two weeks I finished about half of all animations. I finished some of the other animations this week. Next week I will try to finish the last part of it and spend some time to get back to the first one and repolish some of these shots.
During this week I met some small problems. I tried to make the shaking effect of the printing machine and these creepy hands. I want the print machine and hands to shake really fast and weird. At first I tried to animate these by hands. However, the result is not quite satisfying. Also, I need to animate almost every frame since the shaking is really fast, which can be quite boring and will cost huge time. Therefore, I tried to write expressions for these controlers so that the shaking effect can be controled by math. I used some noise and random functions to control the way of shaking. Though The result is not perfect, it is good enough for these shots.

I also get back to the rig of printing machine and added a shaking controler for it. Just like what I did for the foot controler before, this controler can rotate the base of print machine in 360 degrees. By adding this controler, I just need to write one expression to control the shaking of machine, which can save energe and time.