This week our team focus on rendering and compositing. Ziyin will finish other animations, while I and wanxuan focus on rendering. Zhengzhong is responsible for the compositing.
Since the reference project still has some problem, I fixed most of the bugs in the first 18 scenes, which took plenty of time and energy. We then reorganized the method of referencing assets to make sure these bugs won’t exist again. The scenes files become more stable after the bug fixed so that we can rendering and layer these scenes smoothly.
Zhengzhong told me that the quality of 2d water textures (animated) in some of the robot’s close-ups is not good enough. Therefore, I used houdini to make some liquid simulation to replace those textures. Although the position of pot and cup in each scene is quite different, I just need to replace the alembic files on the top of the simulation web and recache these files because of the node work flow inside Houdini.
We rendered nearly 15-18 shots in this week. The time is still limited but we are pretty sure that all the rendering and compositing tasks can be finished before the deadline. In the next week we will fininsh all the things that we left. We cannot wait to see the final version of our animation.